If money was no option, what hobby would you pursue?

I would TRAVEL!

I would travel!  If money was no option, I can tell you that our family would hit our bucket list of destinations!  We love traveling—even if it’s just a small overnight or weekend trip! 

Now that our kids are growing up, we’re becoming more involved in extracurricular activities.  Plus, my husband and I both work full-time so spending quality time as a family isn’t always easy.  Sure, we’re supporting our kids by watching their soccer games, dropping them off at trumpet lessons and volunteering for Cub Scouts, but it’s not the same as being with your kids and leaving the rest of your obligations behind. 

Traveling gives us the chance to disconnect from our everyday life and just enjoy each other’s company—and the beauty of wherever we end up! 

Traveling is a teaching opportunity

What’s really cool is when our kids get excited because they learned about either a place we’ve been or a place we’re planning to go.  

One of my absolute favorite quotes is by St. Augustine, “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”  I truly feel that kids and adults alike can get so much value from traveling. 

If I didn’t have to worry about money, I would travel the world.  Traveling with my family is my absolute favorite thing to do.  I love immersing our entire family into new cultures and experiences. 

As a child, I really didn’t have the opportunity to travel very often.  I have four siblings and money was tight so we rarely went anywhere, with the exception of the zoo and one family vacation to Virginia Beach. 

Even though my parents are in a much better place now, they are still not big on travel. They don’t always understand why we “waste” our money on vacation.

Travel is not a waste of money!

We don’t find vacation to be a waste—we value experiences.  Our kids have had more travel experiences in their first five years of life, than I had by the time I was 25. 

I love that our kids have been able to see so many cool places! And even if they’re too little to remember it, I will remember it.  I love to look back at photos of them sitting on the beach with that bright blue Caribbean water behind them. And remembering experiences like making the climb to the top of Dunn’s River falls in Jamaica!  Those memories are enough to make me want to plan our next big adventure. 

Tyler enjoying the beach!
Tyler loving the beach!
Our family climbing Dunn's River Falls in Jamaica
Dunn’s River Falls, Jamaica

I hope you will get inspired and plan your own little getaway! 

Check out how we have fun with inexpensive trips to the zoo or science center!

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